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Smok TFV8 Atomizers (3-Pack)

Venice Vapor Lab

Product image 1Smok TFV8 Atomizers (3-Pack)
Product image 2Smok TFV8 Atomizers (3-Pack)
Product image 3Smok TFV8 Atomizers (3-Pack)
Product image 4Smok TFV8 Atomizers (3-Pack)

Regular price $13.99

The SMOK TFV8 Turbo Coil family utilized with the TFV8 have been designed with the intention of providing unsurpassed vapor and flavor, with the marquee V8T8 Octuple Coil Head measuring 0.15 ohms with a maximum output range of 260W. The V8T6 features a sextuple coil design measuring 0.2 ohms and is rated between 50 to 240W. The V8Q4 has an output range of 50 to 180W, providing an excellent middle ground of premiere flavor and vapor. The V8 Turbo RBA Head is one of the most capable in it's class, with an 18mm diameter deck that integrates a two post, dual terminal design with each terminal measuring 2mm in diameter. Ample airflow feeds into the V8 Turbo RDA, with dual 8mm by 5mm internal airslots while wicking is efficient due to the unified wick port designs.

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